Reignite Adventure

01 Mar 2021
By Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa
Things To See & Do, Mineral Bathing, Wellness, Packages, Gift Ideas, Food & Wine, Accommodation, Getaway Accommodation, Discover, Food & Wine, Getaway, Gift Ideas, Health & Wellness, Mineral Bathing, Packages, Things To See & Do, Wellness

This Autumn reignite adventure by taking the road less travelled.

Start by dipping your toes into Sanctuary Mineral Bathing or broaden your experience with an authentic, pure natural mineral bath direct from the source.
For families, enjoy Bathhouse Mineral Bathing or venture the back roads of the Daylesford and Hepburn region to discover local experiences like no other.

1. Dine out!

Dine Out

Daylesford and Hepburn are known for the wide range of fabulous food on offer. From sophisticated dining at Lake House or in the heart of Hepburn Springs at one of our favourites Frank and Connie's.

There is always a wide range of dining options to choose from.

2. Walk Lake Daylesford

Lake Daylesford

Lake Daylesford is a beautiful historic walk that is suitable for all ages. If you’re accompanied by kids, they will soon be taking in the fresh air and enjoying the native wildlife. They may even see a turtle or two sun bathing on the top of the lake.

3. Discover Mineral Wellness


Wellness is at the heart of the region and Hepburn Springs and Daylesford are known for their unique mineral springs. A must experience is Hepburn Springs, Mineral Springs Reserve to view and taste countless Mineral Springs in the region. While you are there be sure to visit the Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa.

4. Enjoy Hepburn's best Devonshire Tea and Scones


It's the simple things in life like the Hepburn Pavilions highly sort after Devonshire Tea (Coffee or Tea and Scones). Nothing fills your body with warmth than a classic favourite.

5. Discover Mineral Wellness Bathing


End your journey with mineral wellness bathing at the iconic Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa. The Bathhouse has long been known for its wellness benefits but did you know the kids are also welcome... This relaxing venue is the ultimate way to conclude your day trip. 

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