Gift Vouchers

Treat someone special to an unforgettable experience with a Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa gift voucher. Choose from either an individual package or a monetary voucher, with options starting at $50, to be used for any service or product offered by the spa, including mineral baths, treatments, packages, accommodation and spa products.

*Prices are subject to change. Gift vouchers are redeemable only for goods and services not exceeding the amount of the gift voucher. If it is lost, it will not be replaced. The gift voucher is property of the issuer.*


How to redeem

  1. Follow the link to 'Redeem Voucher' or by navigating to the experience listed on your gift certificate from Mineral BathingSpa Experiences or Packages.

  2. Select your experience and ‘add to cart’.

  3. Upon checkout, when you arrive at the payment screen, please enter your gift certificate number and validation code.

TripAdvisor Panel

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